Welcome to QualityTimewithDAD
This is a website dedicated to all of the Dad’s and parent’s really, on the web looking to improve their relationships with their kids, and their habits, with their financial situations and with their overall well being as a part of a community supporting one another. I want everyone to be a contributor to this site and in time when we grow big enough, even schedule events together and of course bring your kids! Regardless of marital status or orientation, if you’re a parent who wants to get his kids faces out of those blasted electronic device screens and do something, this is the place for YOU!
Even though I registered this domain name in 2012 for Dad’s, we welcome everyone! I hope that you really can find value and even add value to this site for the betterment of every parent and their relationships. Please come back again.
Thank you for visiting,

What’s New (newest on top)
Let me know what you think of the site and content, I would love to hear from you!
My podcasts are live, and I try to publish one every Sunday’s at 5 pm Pacific Time.
Look for all the latest Blog posts and the Podcasts are also set as Blog posts and I am trying to put one of these out every week, look for those on Friday’s at 5 pm Pacific Time.
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ― C.S. Lewis
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