This is a little different blog post. I called it, “Courage to Blog” an exploration into private information regarding myself. Like my medical history, my day to day life, information about my family and kids and of course the time I would spend on all of this. For some this may be easy to do after all this is the generation where the young adult gets on YouTube and spills their guys out about every subject under the sun. But I was raised in a different time where this sort of thing didn’t happen. I have finally overcome my fear, decided to sit in front of a computer and type away at my keyboard my most inner thoughts and hopes, dreams, lessons, successes and even failures is my plan. I hope that you as a reader can appreciate my candor and look past my faults and inexperience with freewriting and can possibly learn something valuable here in the process.
I want to take this time and thank you again for being a #QTwD reader and hope you return daily for additional tidbits of information. In a couple day’s I will also open up the Forum for all to post and share and contribute as a community. I will moderate all posts at first because this isn’t my first time trying to set up a Forum and it turned into a SPAM disaster. I had to take it offline. I am hoping to have learned my lesson and done this better the second time around.
Enjoy the site and please give me feedback, like the character Johnny 5 from the movie “Short Circuit” from 1986 used to say, “Need Input!”