Best Place to Watch the Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower in California from Thrillist

The Perseid meteor shower has arrived and will reach its spectacular peak on the night of Monday, August 12. Despite a nearly-full moon, it’s the best time of the year to see meteors streak across the night sky in no small part because of the potential for beautiful warm weather. In addition to the Perseids, you will also be able to spot Jupiter and Saturn in the sky near the moon, and you may even see some of the last gasps of the Southern Delta Aquariid meteor shower

There are innumerable places to see the display. You only need clear skies and to get away from the lights of the city and suburbs. But if you don’t have a backyard far enough from the lights and you’re not sure where to watch the gorgeous show, there are also public viewing parties taking place all over the country. Many of those events involve experts who can guide you through the night sky. 

You can probably find a viewing party at just about any national or state park. … Just be sure to double-check the weather. Many events may be delayed or canceled if the weather isn’t cooperating.

Santa Rosa, California
When: August 9, 6:30-9:30pm
Meet up by the Umbrella Tree at North Sonoma Mountain Regional Park for a bilingual hike. You can register online at

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