Do you feel stressed? Feel like there isn’t enough time in the day for you to do all that you want or even need to do? Do you have a negative feeling at work, about going to the gym or getting healthy, even about the time you spend when you finally do get home before you have to get back to bed and start it all over again? Then this blog post is for you.
I will give you secret tips to becoming a high-performance individual and separate yourself from the crowd, you have to do something different from what everyone else is doing to get ahead. Environment, the cycles of the day and night, the weather, traffic, the fact that there are 24 hours in a day, these are things that are out of your control and you can’t change them. What is in your control, however, is how you use those 24 hours that you get every single day. We all start the day with the same exact parameters. You, along with everyone around you gets the same 24 hours block of time, and what you choose to do with that time will dictate how well you perform at life, at work, effects your health and even your bank account. You can have a profound change in attitude when you CONTROL how you use that time when the clock resets at midnight.
This is how I do it, I bookend my day, every day! I have a standard set of morning and evening routines that I do that not only allow me to build a new day with a positive start but also builds the foundation and sets the tone for how my entire day will go, regardless of the events that occur that I cannot control. I start and end my day first off, 1 hour earlier than I did before starting my routines. This gives me time to own my day and set the foundation I mentioned before. When you go to sleep with the attitude that these next 7, 6, 5, even 4 hours of sleep will be enough for me and I will wake up refreshed and ready to start my day, then you will! The brain is an amazing organ and really does dictate to your body how it will perform.
What I do with that hour, well, instead of just listing things out, pick up this awesome book that breaks it all down. The “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod opened my eyes to the possibilities, and I live the lesson every day and feel the benefits of it and I want that for you as well. Try it, you have nothing to lose and tons to gain if you give it a try. If you need help, reach out to me as I am here to help. I can help you structure this for yourself and you can have a bit of that accountability that sometimes is necessary for some to make sure that they follow it through.
Cheers, to taking ownership of all your days!